Concept of talent

Talented people are DAERYUK CAN's most valuable asset.

  • Creativity

    It is the time when having an idea is competitiveness. DAERYUK CAN aims to create new valuesthrough your boundless creativity.

  • Challenge spirit

    DAERYUK CAN valuesDAERYUK CAN values your spirit of challenge.. In DAERYUK CAN, unfold your enthusiastic passion and young vigor as desired.

  • Global mind

    DAERYUK CAN search for talented people with a global mind rather than excellent language skills. We look forward to having talented people who can make DAERYUK CAN stand tallamidst the global competition

  • A proper sense of values

    A proper sense of values is one of DAERYUK CAN's core values that aim for transparent and upright company management.We are looking for mature people with talents who have a definite vision based on a proper sense of valuesand take responsibility for what they do.